March 18, 2025 12:32 pm
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BETWEEN RIVERS OF BEER AND FRAGRANCES OF THE MIDDLE AGES – Ceske Budejovice / South Bohemia: where even the marble cherubs love beer

ceske.2.1Only when you get to “Na Sadech” – a street lined with trees and lawns – you realize that “stare mesto of this city of Southern Bohemia is before you, with its relaxed and cosmopolitan soul. No more silver mines and even salt traffic, but rivers of good beer “Budvar”, better known by its German name “Budweiser”. The Tourist Office of “Ceske Budejovice” is “Namesti Premysla Otakara II” (right on the corner with Via Radnicni), and you can have good information for your accommodation. If you do not want to do too much road, the hotel “U Solne Brany” (a small chest, between the walls of the city), is right near here, at number 11 Via Radnicni.

The grid of medieval streets is all around the navel of the city, in the large square – one of the largest in Europe – where you can admire the Samson Fountain, surrounded by elegant buildings, walking under the arcades, while listening to the clock It plays musical motifs. You’ll see “Cerna Vez” (The Black Tower), but you will not be afraid of his inclination toward a side of the square, so you can get on the balcony of his roof, to see the whole city, and even the nearby Gothic cathedral of “Svaty Mikulas “. From the tower you saw the streets that come out from the square: Krajinska, Ceska and Knezska. Good. Each of those streets is to you an invitation to a journey.

You can walk on the banks of the river Malše, near the ancient city walls, until the old prison tower. Do not forget to get in “Piaristiché Namesti”, to observe the medieval salt warehouse (if you want, you can come in, but you will not find rooms but the motorcycle museum). After a long way, certainly you are thirsty, but you must still follow two and a half kilometers in the direction of Prague (or serve Bus 2), to get to the brewery Budvar, where you can also eat and drink at a good price. Of course, you can also put yourself on one of the guided tours, to discover the secrets of this exceptional beer.

Going back to your hotel when you are ready to give you a night on the town, do not forget to drink a delicious Budvar beer, the local atmosphere is more the “Maly pivovar”. Eat good local food? By spending a reasonable price, you can go to the “U Hospudka zaby”, the best of Czech pubs in the city. If you still do not sleep, you can walk a little on the “Ceska” looking for good jazz and rock are the best that can accompany you to relax before a new dawn for your new journey.


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