March 16, 2025 10:16 am
Breaking News

MONTI PRAMA, SARDINIA: Observing the night, I try the eyes of the Sun

complessonuragico.1Villages with round huts gathered between them, with base ring-shaped stone, were in the vicinity of the nuraghis and holy wells, as Su Romanzesu , Su Nuraxi and Serra Orrios. Just in these wells, were found many votive bronzes, those who speak of a mysterious people, depicting boats and human figures, animals and mysterious beings.

If we have time, I would like to go in a particular place – in Monti Prama, alberone.1Sinis, near Cabras – where recent excavations have brought to light the huge fragments of giant statues. Watching them, you will not be able to decipher their expressions, but their large eyes are certainly the ones that surprise you the most. Yes, you they can drawing inside your notebook.

isola.1Originally, nuraghis was a tower, but its development in clusters and walls, had led to the creation of systems of fortification complex. As I told you yesterday, those places soldiers and civilians, but also religious and of burial, are scattered throughout the island, from nearly 4,000 years, along with underground tombs, dolmens and menhirs, identical to many that I have seen in Northern Europe but also in north Africa.

All this had happened – and is narrated by the ancient historians and geographers of Greece -by the work of a people who lived on an island by the flourishing agriculture, in a land where freedom of the wind and the weather have created what we have seen in the days passed. Nuraghic was born on this island, but it was still alive during the Roman era. The civilization has given us the prehistoric artifacts larger than Europe, but even today, scholars have not reached a concordance of views on their complex function.

To my eyes, what is certain is the atmosphere of sacredness that I perceive nurageNuoro.1over my skin, watching the stones from the many shades of color, next to the sea of color can not be reproduced, under a blanket of stars. Even this night, they force me to stay awake for a long time, listening to the silence of the stones of sandstone of Monti Prama, trying to imagine an expression of the giants who have the eyes of the Sun.


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