He became friends with avant-garde artists (including Picasso and Braque, Rousseau and Duchamp). Illegitimate son of Polish woman and an unidentified man (his father may have been a cardinal in the Church or an Italian military officer) was born in Rome. His career influenced the development of such artistic movements (as Futurism and Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism). Guillaume Apollinaire was bohemian artist …
Read More »HENRI JULIEN ROUSSEAU (1844/1910), FRENCH PAINTER – Painter, who had no teacher other than nature
THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF PAINTING – Henry Julien Rousseau painting like a child HENRI JULIEN ROUSSEAU 1/3 – He had no teacher, other than nature. He was born in Laval (Loire Valley) to the family of a plumber. He became a friend of Picasso and was a self-taught painter inside the Paris avant-garde. In 1868 he moved to Paris, …
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