JUAN NOVICIO LUNA 1/4 – That painter was mostly known for his works as being dramatic and dynamic, focusing on romanticism and realism styles of art. He was born in an October day,1857 in the northern Philippines. He became one of the first recognized Philippine artists, not only as a painter, but also sculptor and a political activist. His most …
Read More »JUAN NOVICIO LUNA (1857/1899), FILIPPINO PAINTER – Theatrical poses, wind and blood
THE APOTHEOSIS OF THE SUBLIME AND TERRIBLE – Juan Luna y Novicio / the Spanish Senate hall
Coming into the Spanish Senate hall, you can admire a painting depicting an ancient battle, one that was fought October 7, 1571 in the Gulf of Lepanto, which is between the Peloponnese and Epirus, Greece. Ottoman Turks had fought against a Christian coalition (called Holy League, formed by the Kingdom of Spain and the Papal States, the Republic of Venice, …
Read More »RAPID BROSHSTROKES AND PALETTES OF TICH COLORS – The strange world of William Glackens
WILLIAM GLACKENS 1/4 – He was born in Philadelphia in 1870, beginning his career as an illustrator for several newspapers, while he studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. In 1895 he went to Paris, to further the study of European painting. Back in America, he painted landscapes, adding strong colors reminiscent of the works of Manet and Cezanne. …
Read More »WILLIAM GLACKENS (1870/1938), AMERICAN PAINTER – The man that introduced a matter-of-fact realistic, into the art of the United States.
LENA GAL 1/4 – Her favorite colors are earth colors, ocher, brown, blue, red and yellow. Her interest in art comes from her childhood, when she felt excited about using color pencils and making clay figurines. In Portugal and abroad, she is a listed artist featured in several magazines and art publications. She likes to explore the borderline between dreams …
Read More »LENA GAL, PORTUGUESE PAINTER – Connecting personal innermost being, with feelings of melancholy, anxiety and emotional intuition
VIBRANT COLOUR PALETTE – Anjolie Ela Menon: from Modigliani to Amrita Shergil
ANJOLIE ELA MENON 1/4 – She was born in 1940, in the West Bengal (of a mixed Bengal and American parentage). By the age of 15, when she left school, she had already sold a few paintings. At 18, she held a solo exhibition (with fifty-three paintings). She pursued her studies (at the Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai), …
Read More »ANJOLIE ELA MENON, INDIAN PAINTER – Working inside media diversity
AMRITA SHER GIL – An exceptional colourist. Called India’s Frida Kahlo, she was a female painter who played an important role in 20th century India. She was born in Budapest, Hungary to Umrao Singh Shergil, a Sikh aristocrat and his Jewish Hungarian wife, Marie Antoniette Gottesmann. She began painting by herself as a five year old. She was very much …
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