October 6, 2024 7:32 pm

Meeting Bench

I AM YOUR – Poetry, by Myra Jara

YO SOY TUYA Yo soy tuya como una de las dos flores de algodón y ella es también tuya y tú mereces saber que tú eres toda la planta las raíces, los pilares y las ramas mientras ella y yo nos mecemos en el aire y cada flor piensa y se inclina hacia el cielo. I AM YOURS I am …

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THE CELESTINE PROPHECY – Romance, by James Redfield

Issues New Age? Also, but this novel is something more, like a mysterious path, the one that takes you – almost like a parable without words – through the pages of an ancient manuscript. Discover the existence of nine keys, you will discover the duality of religious power and time, you’ll discover a history teacher who swims in a stream …

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GIORGIO DE CHIRICO (1888/1978), ITALIAN PAINTER – Enigmatic architecture, immersed in the pictorial transcendence

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ROMANTIC INTERPRETATION OF CLASSICAL – Giorgio de Chirico varnished oil tempera, for nature and portraits full of warm colors

GIORGIO DE CHIRICO 1/4 – The man who will become Italian painter, was born in Greece on a summer day. The artist who will become the leading exponent of the Italian metaphysical painting, the creator of paintings extremely enigmatic, studied in Athens, Florence, Monaco, Germany and Paris, knowing the German pictorial symbolism and Gauguin. GIORGIO DE CHIRICO 2/4 – Squares …

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WEAPONS THE DEVIL – Novel, by Marco Scardigli and Andrea Santangelo

Imagine you’re in Pavia, back in the year 1525. Imagine seeing a king of France won and humiliated. Imagine the outcome of that battle are the result of technological innovation. Fine. Reading this novel, you will not need imagination, because you will know many things of the distant month of February, well described. Lanzichenecchi and purveyor, two monarchies that are …

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GRLICE – Poetry, by Kajetan Kovič

GRLICE Nekje so me pokopali. Ne spominjam se več nobenega grma, nobene zvezde, ne morja in ne tišine. Med kládivi in kolesi, med bati in računali samo še ribe in grlice včasih še jočejo. Telo razgrebem, ogenj prižgem, da se ob njem ogrejejo njihove ranjene glave, njihove ranjene glave. GRLICE Somewhere I was buried. I do not remember no bush, …

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ZORAN MUSIC (1909/2005), SLOVENE PAINTER – To know himself so well, to be able to describe itself inside, even by painting horses

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THE INTROSPECTIVE PAINTING OF ZORAN MUSIC – Painting to listen, made of emotional nuances, memory and emotion

ZORAN MUSIC 1/4 – He – the painter of small horses, the man who assimilate Italian, Slavic and German cultures – was born in a winter day in a small Slovenian village. He attended the Academy of Art in Zagreb. He travels a lot, until the landing most of his life, the one with the woman who will be his …

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WITHOUT LINES OR GEOMETRIC POINTS – Painting with splashes of color: the Italian Macchiaioli, between the nineteenth and twentieth century

A pictorial movement which experienced a short creative horizon, between eight hundred and nine hundred. That renewal was anti-academic, and it was a form of expression of Italian painting in the realist sense. The creativity of the Macchiaioli is realistic, and is firmly opposed to Romanticism and academic Purism. The Macchiaioli, believe that the image of the real is a …

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MACCHIAIOLI – When the image of the real is a contrast of color spots and light and dark

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