October 6, 2024 11:14 am

Meeting Bench


I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER LIGHT THAT YOUR BODY FRONT OF THE MINE I do not want other light that your body front of the mine, absolute light, complete transparency. Clarity whose belly, as the bottom of the river, affirms itself with time, sinks with the blood . What have they done to durable and shiny materials, the heart of …

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3000 METERS OF SOLITUDE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN – The archipelago of Cape Verde and the island of Fogo

Surely you’ve discovered that the downtown area has many old Portuguese houses. You know? Those noble houses of Sao Felipe are called “sobrados”, and all have a common characteristic among them are designed and built to create different spaces, for all the inhabitants of that island slave. Any color (blue or pink, yellow or green), but all the houses have …

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HEAVENS 9, CARDINALS 4 POINTS, AND STEPS 365 – Welcome to Mexico, in the splendor of Chichen Itza

A city that was born in the late fifth century AD, a place that – five centuries later – was occupied by a different people, different architectures that blend harmoniously, giving to the visitor that the languages ​​of the Toltecs and Maya they can not tell. Welcome to Chichen Itza, 120 km east of Merida, Mexico. Before you can admire …

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MELANCHOLY – Poetry, by Rubén Darío

MELANCOLIA > Hermano, tú que tienes la luz, dime la mía. Soy como un ciego. Voy sin rumbo y ando a tientas. Voy bajo tempestades y tormentas, ciego de sueño y loco de armonía. Ése es mi mal. Soñar. La poesía es la camisa férrea de mil puntas cruentas que llevo sobre el alma. Las espinas sangrientas dejan caer las …

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SHADOWS – Poetry, by Henrik Nordbrandt

SHADOWS So I thought of you, and I’ve written so much about you, not to know who you were. In so many rooms I slept, without you by my side, and many are houses in which I lived, without you. Many are the cities where I met you. There are many things I have run out, or lost due to …

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HERBERT MARSHALL – Poetry, by Edgar Lee Masters

HERBERT MARSHALL All your sorrow, Louise, and hatred of me, sprang from your delusion that it was wantonness of spirit and contempt of your soul’s rights, which made me turn to Annabelle and forsake you. You really grew to hate me for love of me, because I was your soul’s happiness, formed and tempered to solve your life for you, …

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DEDICATION – Poetry, by Anna Akhmatova

DEDICATION Ahead of this punishment bend the mountains, not flows the great river, but balances the prison locks, behind them “the dens of life imprisonment”, and with anguish. For someone breathes fresh wind, for someone yearns sunset, we do not know, we are the same everywhere, we hear hateful screeching of keys, and heavy steps of soldiers. It rose like …

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THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD – White on blue, wood and water: trip to Petrozavodsk in Russian Karelia

http://www.visitrussia.org.uk/ This is a land full of clear blue lakes and rushing rivers, with stunning waterfalls and typical monuments of the Russian north. Welcome to Karelia, Petrozavodsk, on the shore of Lake Onega (300 km north-east of St. Petersburg). “Peter’s Factory” is the meaning of the name of this city, where you can admire some beautiful wooden houses, not miss …

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THE ABBEY OF MONTECASSINO, ITALY – Ora et Labora. Ancient portals and drugs documents, alongside Polish soldiers

http://www.italia.it/en/home.html Where in the ancient temple of Apollo, in the year 529 came a monaco – St. Benedict – who founded an oratory, writing his “Rule” (famous for its motto: “ora et labora”). Over the centuries, the monks have really worked and prayed so much, transforming the abbey in place of collection and cataloging of ancient documents. During the last …

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BLACK WINGS AND PINK PAWS, BETWEEN OLD MEMORIES – Welcome to the island of Kos, Greece

http://www.visitgreece.gr/ The second largest island in the Dodecanese, with a pleasant climate and a fertile land. As early as 3000 BC many people coming here (where the Romans and the Knights of St. John, Turks, Italians and Germans arrived), and where are you now, in the island of Kos, in Greece, a land strewn with a multitude of archaeological sites …

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