Meeting Bench


In literature, the yellow kind is divided into sub-genres: crime and espionage, noir, and thriller. Since the holidays are upon us, there is nothing better than to look for a good book (for yourself, or for someone dear to you). The advice is to read a good thriller, a genre of fiction developed in the twentieth century. The main object …

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The subway is the most convenient and economical way to move quickly between the neighborhoods, when you have to schedule various areas of the city to see. Welcome to the means of transport by which you will find more to do during your holiday in New York. If you use this means of transport for the first time, you might …

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OWEN SMITH, AMERICAN PAINTER – Artistic influences that come from painted walls in the 1930s

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THAT HORRIBLE RED LINE – Three Napoleonic battles, 46,000 deaths in six years

The German philosopher Hegel, said that “the Absolute” particular men used to determine the course of events. Throughout history, men were collecting special successes, but achieved their goal to “Absolute” left to their fate those heroes, precipitating in their human dimension. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte are the personification of the profile of those heroes. In their …

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CHEESE EPOISSES DE BOURGOGNE, BLOOD AND ICE – Tastes of the glory, the times of Napoleon

The Epoisses de Bourgogne cheese was “overwhelming” that appealed to Napoleon, the man who asked God to give strength to his enemies, causing them to live long, so that they could witness his triumph. He, the man had no friends – he had only his fortune – he boasted of being able to train men to sacrifice their lives for …

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LITTLE STORIES & GREAT FLAVORS – Enjoy the pages of history, savoring the taste of glory

There is a “Little History”, that consists of episodes of daily life, which continue to walk – over time – next to the “Great Story.” One of these moments of “minor history”, is linked to Bonaparte. Imagine being in 1800. On June 14 of that year the battle of Marengo had been uncertain outcome for the French, but ultimately won …

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The Napoleonic period begins with Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power as a general for the French Revolutionary government. He married Josephine de Beauharnais in 1796 and, days later, led the French army when it invaded Italy. He took over the reins of power in France in 1799 and was crowned Emperor in 1804. He conquered much of Europe before the …

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JUAN NOVICIO LUNA 1/4 – That painter was mostly known for his works as being dramatic and dynamic, focusing on romanticism and realism styles of art. He was born in an October day,1857 in the northern Philippines. He became one of the first recognized Philippine artists, not only as a painter, but also sculptor and a political activist. His most …

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JUAN NOVICIO LUNA (1857/1899), FILIPPINO PAINTER – Theatrical poses, wind and blood

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THE APOTHEOSIS OF THE SUBLIME AND TERRIBLE – Juan Luna y Novicio / the Spanish Senate hall

Coming into the Spanish Senate hall, you can admire a painting depicting an ancient battle, one that was fought October 7, 1571 in the Gulf of Lepanto, which is between the Peloponnese and Epirus, Greece. Ottoman Turks had fought against a Christian coalition (called Holy League, formed by the Kingdom of Spain and the Papal States, the Republic of Venice, …

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