ON THE LEFT OF RIO PISUERGA – Valladolid and Old Castile, chests Inside stone ancient castles

8 years ago

Vitruvian Man created by Leonardo da Vinci is a design, where a man in two overlapped positions (with arms and…

WHERE YOU CAN EMBRACE AIR AND WATER – Pyrenean Massif of Maladeta, between Spain and France

8 years ago

Vitruvian Man created by Leonardo da Vinci is a design, where a man in two overlapped positions (with arms and…

EXPANDING IMAGINATION CAPACITY – Jean Calogero: unreal worlds that arise listening to classical music

8 years ago

JEAN CALOGERO 1/3 – First exhibitions in 1945 in Sicily, and he is best known for his Surrealistic and Genre…

RIJKSMUSEUM MASTERPIECES OF ART – Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn: Portrait of a Couple

8 years ago

In the twenties of the seventeenth century, European painting was impregnated amazing realistic effects of Caravaggio's art, those that the…

LIVED MOMENT, LIKE REVELATIONS – Natale Scarpa, a brief existential flight inside the hyper-pictorial realism

8 years ago

CAGNACCIO DI SAN PIETRO – His real name was Natale Scarpa, but we know him by his pen name: Cagnaccio…


8 years ago

FRANCISCO DE ZURBARAN 1/3 – He baptized in a church of Extremadura November 7, 1598, was the son a wealthy…