renaissancemelodies1.1The most important Italian musical centers, were those of Rome and Venice. In music even, the sixteenth century was a century of great novelty and intense development, as resented all that complex of ideas and stimuli which is known as the Renaissance. Examining the main musical characteristics of the century (the madrigal and Mass), we observe that they see the greatest flowering in touch profane genre (based on texts by poets, for madrigals), and the mass (as a genre sacred par excellence), in both cases without the use of tools. Rome was the cradle of the Counter-Reformation, with which the Church gave birth to a work of renewal. In light of the Counter, developed in music the Roman School, what was in Giovanni Luigi da Palestrina its most illustrious representative.

Alle stamegne, donne!

Dolce amoroso foco

Zephiro spira


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