COLLECT FLOWERS, A PASTEL PAINTING – Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin: his infirmities have moved away from oil painting, but he continued to paint reality, with crayons

26post.1JEAN BAPTISTE SIMEON CHARDIN 1/4 – He – the painter who was born and died in the fall, the son of a cabinet maker manufacturer of billiard tables – he has always lived in Paris, without ever traveling abroad, even in Italy, as was customary at the time. The subjects of his paintings were less hardworking than those of his contemporaries, where French painting referred to the life of the court (with themes that drew the plots of novels, heroic battles and religious figures), where landscapes, portraits and still lifes have not a large market. 22post.2JEAN BAPTISTE SIMEON CHARDIN 2/4 – These are the favorite themes of Chardin, the man who dedicates itself with such passion to landscapes, still lifes and scenes of everyday life, in an absolutely original way. Its ability to represent both the protagonists that of everyday objects, he defined it in these words, “There is need of colors, but one paints with feeling.” 16post.3JEAN BAPTISTE SIMEON CHARDIN 3/4 – All of his paintings, without distinction, highlight the emotions that drove him to paint still lifes, genre scenes and domestic utensils. Two paintings (The Diligent Mother and The Benedicite), are works that he donated to the King of France, receiving in exchange the privilege of residing and working in the Louvre. 10post.4JEAN BAPTISTE SIMEON CHARDIN 4/4 – A prayer that is recited before the meal, or a lovely small bouquet of flowers, are the result of rapid and compact brushstrokes, where the colors are accented by light. He’s the one who prefers the observation of reality, rather than the study of the great masters of painting. You can see more on Meeting Benches, looking for: JEAN BAPTISTE SIMEON CHARDIN (1699/1779), FRENCH PAINTER The man who painted with feeling, using colors


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