WHEN PICTORIAL THOUGHTS EXCEEDS THE REALISTIC REPRODUCTION – Siegfried Zademack: the present day in mannerist periods

Knowing a nation, it is also “feel” its art. Welcome to the way of painting of an German painter, Siegfried Zademack: a perfectly proportioned man, was created by Leonardo da Vinci, correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. That geometrical way of the mind, could live with the simplicity of the sides of a charming square, where joy, surprise, expectations and approval are four emotions in motion. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside Meeting Benches way: the Vitruvian approach to life.7.post.1

SIEGFRIED ZADEMACK 1/4 – He was born in Bremen Germany on a December day. The arrangement of his pictorial thoughts, immensely exceeds a realistic reproduction, and (as you can see), in some of his pictorial quotes, you can detect the difference to the Surrealist approach. Yes, it is the historical angle, the present day aspect, in mannerist period.

SIEGFRIED ZADEMACK 2/4 – His figural inventions, seem sculptured, but it’s iconology with considerable knowledge of art history and social. What is astonishing is that it is he employs perfect technique – obviously indispensable, inside his creative dreams.19.post.2

SIEGFRIED ZADEMACK 3/4 – His pictures, allow us to slip in metaphysical dimensions, between irony and the deepness of our souls. There are no sharp borderlines between periods (inside its painting style). The present and the past, they are already the future.

SIEGFRIED ZADEMACK 4/4 – His true teachers were the masters of the late Italian Renaissance, up to the Mannerists. In some of his pictorial works, you can observe the difference of its Surrealist approach: it is the historic angle, with shades of mannerist period.

You can see more on Meeting Benches, looking for: SIEGFRIED ZADEMACK, GERMAN PAINTER – Surrealistic visionary paintings: present and past, they are already the future


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