January 14, 2025 1:37 pm

ROMAN HOLIDAYS, BETWEEN ZIMARRE AND DOLLS – Six ways of saying, “I create”, in Rome

The virtues of others, in the echo of what they leave us

Our “author’s journey” offers you a Roman itinerary that does not exist in any tourist catalog. In fact, the choice to propose some places in Rome starts from the need to walk where creative men and women have been able to express their creative talent. It will, therefore, with their eyes that you will know the many ways in which this city continues to amaze all of humanity.

With the zimarra, the gold chain and the hat on his hands joined in prayer, the figure of one of his patrons (Count Onorato II Caetani d’Aragona) is in profile. He was one of the founders of the guild of painters and illuminators of Rome. Influenced by Benozzo Gozzoli and Beato Angelico, he created a Virgin and Child (his first work), in 1461. In the second part of the 15th century, Antoniazzo Romano https://www.silvanaeditoriale.it/libro/9788836627318 specialized in interpreting older images, generating new ones, with the background in gold. From 1512, his name disappears. Of him, there remains only a notarial deed for the division of his inheritance.

Through touching words, for a nostalgic portrait of Rome and its sweet life, nothing better than listening to “Vacanze romane“. The original line-up of the quintet of Matia Bazar, which made this song so famous, included the inimitable voice of Antonella Ruggiero. In 1983, they participated in the Sanremo Festival with this song, winning the Critics’ Prize.

ROMAN HOLIDAYShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJMFc6TnT6A. Rome where are you? You were with me. Today you prison, me prisoner. Ancient Rome city, Now old reality, you do not notice you and me do not know what pain you do me. However, the sky rains on the city, you with your heart in the mud. Gold and silver, tearooms. Country that no longer has bells. Then dolce vita that you are leaving, on the Lungotevere in celebration, a concert of violets and worldliness, your scent of Roman holidays. Beautiful Rome, you, your muses, polished asphalt, goodbye Rome, coin and voila. There are those who return and those who go, you do your part, but you do not know what pain you give me. Greta Garbo of vanity, you with your heart in the mud, gold and silver, the tea rooms, a town that no longer has bells. Then dolce vita that you are leaving, on the terraces of the Corso, happy widow, máìtresse of coffee, your perfume of Roman holidays.

She was the daughter of an orator and the grandson of a lawyer. It is suggestive to know a love story in the light of verses where its consummation is report with terms that are not adequate to the modesty of a Roman woman. What you wrote has been preserv in a poetic collection by Tibulus. By reading Sulpicia https://didattica-2000.archived.uniroma2.it//lett_lat_B/deposito/Sulpicia, you will discover the contents of her short loving letters. One of her poems faithfully reflects the restrictions to which Rome subjected a young woman of her class: she proclaims there not only her love, but also the limitation of the sexual behavior of women of her time.

AT THE END LOVE CAME – At last love came. So great that it would be more shame to hide it than the fame of having revealed it. Defeated by the prayers of the Muses, Citerea brought it and placed it in my bosom. Venus kept her promises: and my joys. Let anyone who does not have their own tell her. I would not want to entrust something of my writings, and for someone to read them in front of my beloved. However, I love to have sinned; I am ashamed to assume a holy face for fear of fame. Let them say it: I am a dignified woman. I have been with a worthy man

Her is truly a unique project, with truly created products and customized for you. Sinuous and perfect stylistic symmetries are the inspiration of the collections created by Federica Cremisini https://www.italianist.com/2021/03/09/retropose-leather-bags-made-in-rome/. From green to gray, from ivory to magenta, her “Inhale-Exhale” was born from the idea of cylindrical and cubic geometries. Characteristic details and materials are her realm of creative expressiveness. By entering Retropose, you have the opportunity to participate in the creation of your bag. Strolling along Via del Pellegrino you might see a shop window with a handmade leather necklace inside. Entering that shop, you would discover leather accessories and modern design clothes.

Light Painting https://lightpaintingbrushes.com/pages/maria-saggese and Night Photography are his expressive horizon, where each object has new life. This photographer from Fisciano, she loves art, drawing and photography, she graduated from the Menna Art Institute of Salerno. The secret of his light painting images is in the methodology of the photographic shooting. In her courses, Maria Saggese https://www.giovaniartisti.it/maria-saggese proposes the creation of pictorial images through a correct selection of equipment, exercises and cataloging the use of the technique associated with an idea. Emotions revealed, Untitled, Stasis, Anime, Beyond the Veils of Appearance, are the titles of some of her emotions of light. Di/visi e di/versi https://www.ibs.it/libri/autori/maria-saggese is the title of her captivating book focused on the representation of elusive dreams. To learn how to dream, she suggests you use your imagination.

In 2011, Zerocalcare https://www.gqitalia.it/show/article/strappare-lungo-i-bordi-zerocalcare-una-delle-migliori-serie-netflix-2021 publishes an autobiographical story entitled A.F.A.B. and, with great success his first comic book: The prophecy of the armadillo, a title due to a character often present in his stories. At the Lucca Comics & Games event in 2012, he won the Gran Guinigi award for the best short story. In 2013, he also collaborated on the screenplay for a live action film based on La profezia dell’armadillo. Rip along the Edges, on the other hand, is an animated series of his on Netflix in 2021. What he would like to do is learn traditional animation, cartoon frame to frame.

The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. The only purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate the works. If you want to know our author travel already published, you can type http://meetingbenches.com/category/author_travels/.


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