THE INVESTIGATIVE SENSE OF REALITY – Antonio López García, father of the hyper-realistic school in Madrid

Realism in Spanish painting

Tomelloso, a Spanish municipality located in the province of Ciudad Real, is made up of arid land where plantations of vines and cereals extend. In its Spanish Steps, in the second half of the seventeenth century, a hotel for travelers had been built, the Posada de los Portales, which retains its original structure with long wooden balconies on the upper floors. It currently hosts traveling exhibitions that you can also visit. Among its museums, we recommend you not to miss the Antonio Lopez Torres Museum, dedicated to an uncle of the painter Antonio López García, a native of this city.

Brushes are their fingers. They decide whether to use paper or canvas, wooden board or plaster for pictorial support. Like all the arts, even painting requires a deep knowledge, which similar to a pictorial alphabet form allows us to realize a creative magic inside a painting. Creative people come to express their pictorial talent by following two important paths, that of technique and that of creativity. In the case of Antonio López García there is also a third, that of inbreeding.

He paints very slowly, meditatively, looking for the essence of the object represented. He was born in Tomelloso, a Spanish city in Castilla-La Mancha, on a January day, in 1936. One of his works reached the highest amount paid to date for an opera in an auction at Christie’s in London of a living Spanish artist. Stepping aside informalism and abstraction, for much of his artistic career, Antonio López García has developed a work independent of realistic European trends or American hyperrealism. In 1949, for his admission to the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts he moved to Madrid.

His vocation for drawing and the influence of an uncle painter determined his decision to devote himself to painting. In 2011, the Bilbao Museum of Fine Arts dedicated temporary exhibitions to him with works from all his creative phases. His preferences range from the views of Madrid, as well as to the portraits of his relatives. Antonio López García observes the reality that surrounds him, gathering the details, almost as if what he paints was a photograph. By visiting the Prado Museum in Madrid, observing the works by Diego Velázquez he appreciated the classical Spanish painting. The objects and events of everyday life will be the protagonists of his paintings, the ones he will deal with with manic photographic details.

In 1955, he traveled to Italy, learning about Renaissance painting. With a slow and thoughtful realization, his paintings are developed over years or decades, until he manages to capture the essence. For Antonio López García, the pictorial work is never finished, but one must reach the limit of one’s personal possibilities. The figures and objects that appear in his paintings float in space. In 2014, the presentation of one of his paintings that occupied him for twenty years (The family of Juan Carlos I), created a huge expectation.

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