The woman who portrayed a people
Survival, they led the campaign for the demarcation of Yanomami territory. They have supported their health and education. They are fighting alongside indigenous peoples across Brazil. Please join them, as did Claudia Andujar, a photojournalist who dedicated her life to this just cause.
The daughter of a man murdered in the Nazi camps, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, she has become a witness to the odyssey of a second people. She was intrigued by the way of life of these people, who had had little contact with the outside world. Claudia Andujar was an active member of the Pro-Yanomami Commission, coordinating the campaign for the 1992 creation of an Indian reservation.
This photographer (born in Switzerland and emigrated to Brazil), helped the Yanomami ethnic group would have dignity. Claudia Andujar became a part of the tribes’ struggle for healthcare and acknowledgement, by portraying individuals from scattered communities that she helped to promote. She gave up her career as a photojournalist, and with the help of a fellowship she embarked on an in-depth photographic essay on the Yanomami. A gallery of the Inhotim museum (in Brumadinho), was built to display her work.
In the region bordering Venezuela and Brazil, in the 1970s, the Yanomami situation was desperate, when their communities were being decimated by roads and mining into their lands. With a photojournalism assignment on the Amazon Forest, Claudia Andujar dove into the Yanomami culture, mingling her own story with that of the Indians. Her photographs are included in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
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