September 17, 2024 12:13 am

HALF A CENTURY OF PHOTOGRAPHS – Nereo López: Amazon jungle and streets of Bogota, on the Magdalena River or traveling with personalities

A country, into sixty-three unforgettable images

He took more than 100,000 photos, in a career spanning many decades. He was a member of a association of writers, artists and intellectuals. He is regarded as a pioneer in his native Colombia. Nereo López was a Colombian documentary photographer, born in Cartagena into a September 1920. His work brought attention to the communities living in the valley and mountainous ranges of Colombia.

Last century, he had documenting his own country with the same dedication and talent as any of his American or European counterparts. He followed the lead of Look and Life, but he forsook their American perspective for his own. Always on the move as he chronicled the famous and the obscure, the powerful and the dispossessed, Nereo López was one of the most accomplished Colombian photographers of his — or any — generation.

Nereo López portrayed poverty in his travels across the country. His job was to make stories about human beings, and most of them were poor. His images show heroism in the daily struggles of his compatriots, always with a sincere, unvarnished yet empathetic look that helped Colombia understand itself.

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