September 20, 2024 9:52 am

TESTAMENT IN PRAGUE – Teresa Pàmies / An alive witness of the Spanish Civil war, and the Republican’s exile.

The spring of Prague, a sign and a dream.

It is located by the river Segre, a tributary to the Ebre. Balaguer is in Catalonia. The town has a Gothic bridge over the Segre river, destroyed during the Spanish Civil War in the battle of “Cap de Pont”, rebuilt after the war. Another Gothic building is the Santa Maria Church, in the heights above the city. The town its outstanding for its cultural wealth and its stunning landscapes, the fruits of its past and its position. Special mention should be made of Pla d’Almatá (one of Catalonia’s most important archaeological sites). Here you can experience “Adventure in Montsec“, living the adventure on boat or the hiking in Mont Rebei, the christening flight Montsec sky and astronomical observation. Accommodations to choose? You can choose between L’Alcova or the Monastery of Les Avellanes, Hotel Port d’Ager or the Santuari del Sant Crist.

TERESA PAMIES I BERTRAN was born in Balaguer (Spain) on one day in October 1919. At the age of ten he dedicated himself to selling a magazine of the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Block. Six years later he was a militant in the socialist party. He was 18 years old when he became the leader of the Young Socialists of Catalonia, becoming a political reference in Catalonia. In 1939 she was exiled to France, where she spent some time in a refugee camp, working on farms in exchange for food and lodging, until she participated in the French resistance during the Second World War. In 1947 she returned to Europe, settling in Prague and worked as a writer for the broadcasts of Radio Praga. In 1971 she returned to Catalonia, starting her literary career with her first book “Testament in Prague“, a great success in criticism and sales.

Several times, the author throughout the book will remind you that man is a child of circumstances, those where we are doing what we have to live with. And this is what remains. The book alternates letters written by her in Paris, with her father’s text. Testament in Prague is a controversial book, the result of an international conjuncture. In its pages, you will discover the history of beliefs that are synonymous with committed action. She lived the civil war as a young woman, while he fought and suffered that war. The authors, father and daughter, fled from Catalonia and settled in Prague. In this book the author invites us to revive the problems of socialism in a critical way, in light of the Czechoslovak invasion of the Russians, in August 1968.

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