When you stop signing works, so that people would judge works on their own merit.
He is best known as a member the “Group of Seven”, who pioneered a distinctly Canadian painting style in the early twentieth century. In 1919, he financed boxcar trips for the artists to the Algoma region, painting in areas such as the Montreal River and Agawa Canyon. In 1921, he ventured beyond Algoma to Lake Superior’s North Shore, where the discovery of Lake Superior subject material catalyzed a transition to a more simplified style. In 1924, a sketching trip to the Canadian Rockies marked the beginning of his mountain subjects, exploring areas around, Yoho National Park and Mount Robson Provincial Park. In 1930, he went on his last trip, travelling to the Arctic aboard an supply ship, completing over 50 sketches.
On 2009, an his oil sketch (The Old Stump), had sold for $3.51 million at an auction. He was born into an October day in Brantford (Ontario). During the 1920s, his works became more abstract (especially his stark landscapes of the North Canada). LAWREN HARRIS also stopped signing his works, so that people would judge his works on their own merit and not by the artist. On 1910, he married Beatrice Phillips, but later he fell in love with the wife of an his school-time friend. In 1940 they moved to Vancouver (British Columbia), where he entered his abstract phase. He died in Vancouver, as a well-known artist.
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