March 14, 2025 10:53 am
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JOURNEY OF SUFFERING AND ESTHETIC REDEMPTION – Amelia Rosselli, poems of painful and violent reality

She is one of the great poets of the 20th century, and her yet voice is comparable to the poets such as Akhmatova and Plath. Amelia Rosselli grew up as a refugee between France, England, and United States, where she was educated. She returned to Italy in 1949, settling eventually in Rome. She was born in Paris in 1930, as a daughter of Carlo Rosselli, Florentine Jewish intellectual, who became martyr of the anti-fascist. Experience of the death of father, assassinated barbarously, provided a certain suggestion of her poetry, gave it a solemn structure, strengthened by a certain academic composition. As a musician, poet and translator, she was author of eight poetry collections. Locomotrix, bilingual edition (Italian and English version) of her selected poetry and prose, was published in 2012. Weaving the private with the public, her texts evoke the personal with the political. She is considered one of the most important Italian poets of the second half of the twentieth century. Her work with language is the result of a attempt to give to the reader an accurate sense of painful and violent reality she experienced. Reading her works is like to embark on unforgettable journey of suffering and esthetic redemption. She died in her house in Rome in 1996.

BRICKS OF THE COFFERWeight heaving and oddity of fate stockdoves scanned my forces are seized by your flying away like a sweet, liquefied that vocation to a semantic revision of our quarrels and fowls. Not one soldier who truly intended to remarry could tell me who it is that truly marches. Brigandelle disillusioned by so miserable a fate I surged solitary toward the didascalic zones. Oh you see I explode and you, don’t go, the piano’s miter removes sensations, metrò, camphor, scarlet and curved lips bricks of the coffer.

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