DREAMING ON THE WINDOWSILL – The 19th Century Realism painted by August Friedrich Siegert
AUGUST FRIEDRICH SIEGERT 1/2 – He attended the Düsseldorf Art Academy. From 1846 to 1848 he traveled through Holland, France and Italy. He lived some years in Neuwied, where he painted portraits. In 1851 he settled in Düsseldorf, where he was the owner of a Master’s Studio of Fine Arts Academy.
Audio PlayerAUGUST FRIEDRICH SIEGERT 2/2 – His paintings are characterized by real and unpretentious sense as by loving conduct. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CSDgOWzTGM He was extremely popular Dusseldorf artist. He began his career as a painter of history, but finding his talents more in touch with life around him, he turned to portraits and genre studies.
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