March 18, 2025 4:41 am
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VIBRANT COLOUR PALETTE – Anjolie Ela Menon: from Modigliani to Amrita Shergil

anjoli-ela-menon-9ANJOLIE ELA MENON 1/4 – She was born in 1940, in the West Bengal (of a mixed Bengal and American parentage). By the age of 15, when she left school, she had already sold a few paintings. At 18, she held a solo exhibition (with fifty-three paintings). She pursued her studies (at the Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai), and then went on to obtain a degree in English Literature. During this phase, she developed a deep appreciation for the works of Italian artist Modigliani, and Indian painters (like Amrita Shergil and MF Hussain).anjoli-ela-menon-5

ANJOLIE ELA MENON 2/4 – Her preferred medium is oil on masonite (though she has also worked in other media, including glass and water colour). Most recently, her major work “Yatra” was acquired by the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, California. She is among India’s lending contemporary female artists, who have created a name for themselves, in the domestic as well as international art scenario.anjoli-ela-menon-6

ANJOLIE ELA MENON 3/4 – She is known for her religious-themed works (but also portraits, and nudes), that incorporated a vibrant colour palette, and were rendered in a variety of styles ranging from cubism to techniques that recalled the artists of the European Renaissance. Yes, her paintings are in several major collections, because she is one of India’s leading contemporary artists, and also she is a well known muralist.anjoli-ela-menon-7

ANJOLIE ELA MENON 4/4 – Her creative brilliance, got her a French Government scholarship, to study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She travelled extensively in Europe and West Asia studying Romanesque and Byzantine art. She love to paint with a vibrant colour palette, were rendered in a variety of styles ranging (from cubism to techniques that recalled the artists of the European Renaissance). She lives and works in New Delhi.logo-meeting-benches

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