December 22, 2024 7:24 am

INDIAN TRADITION, MYTHS AND EROTIC PASSION – Poonam Chandrika Tyagi: showing her female subjects in their elements

1POONAM CHANDRIKA TYAGI 1/3 – In many works it takes the iconic image of a woman who is almost a contortionist. She, Indian Symbolist painter, is a Master of Arts in “Drawings and Paintings”. Her works are a graceful combination of Indian tradition, myths and erotic passion. She takes a pictorial space that evokes a sense of Indian tradition. In the paintings of that woman artist (who is known in the panorama Indian of painters), manifests a world that is “haunted” by the primordial energies of Eros.

7POONAM CHANDRIKA TYAGI 2/3 – A woman is a lot of things: a strength and a feeling, a joy, ferocity and a lot of emotions. Yes, she also is kindness, love and lust. She will express her likes and dislikes, desires and feelings in ways unpredictable, also with colors. This unpredictability, is what we have elaborated to be enchanted by her. That artist chooses to shatter all confines and boundaries, showing her female subjects in their elements.

12  POONAM CHANDRIKA TYAGI 3/3 – The introduction of animals inside her paintings (like the tiger, cat and bull), reinforce her subjects’ strength. The non-verbal communication she establishes through her subjects, is bold and interesting, because not many women as openly expressing her feelings with such audacity. Her works mark a profound comeback in the celebration of the aura of a woman.logo-meeting-benches

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