March 16, 2025 12:02 pm
Breaking News

A NEW YEAR TO BE LAPPS: In northern Sweden, including forests, sleighs and reindeer

1.1Hello. As you can see, today I have brought something doubly unusual because I talk to you for a week away in time and geography usual. I have not forgotten, never, my wonderful winter holiday in Finnish Lapland, and is the memories of those special moments, now, which leads me to stimulate your thinking about the next New Year’s Eve together.


Ammarnas, is enclosed in a
natural setting in the region of the great forests in Lapland, northern Sweden.
The photos that I’ll show you now, are those of my old apartment, but reindeer
and dog sleds are similar to what we find, when we know a fascinating people,
the Sami people. I am sure that you, like me, you love the huge open spaces of
the Great North, but even now, I beg you, you’ll have to imagine a wardrobe
adapted to the extreme conditions of those places.

We’ll get to Storuman, continuing to our
destination, Ammarnas, a tiny place in the heart of a forest of conifers, a
marvel of Vindelfjallens name. We can move freely, but taking into account some
opportunities: visit Ammarnas and Collinadella Potato, and go to Naturum (to
observe the flora and fauna of the Arctic Vindel). For our New Year’s Eve
dinner, I prefer that you pick the place, but I would be happy if – when the
fireworks go off – you want to come with me for a night ride in the sleigh.
We’ll be the two of us, and a beautiful Siberian husky dog team.

5.1Before you leave, if you want, we can also experience a snowmobile excursion, but you will not have to worry about the equipment because the car hire station will also provide clothing, gloves and helmet appropriate. If you have not experienced this type of excursion, imagine being on a Vespa with me, remembering to keep you close to me, and I let you go, softly, overcoming the unevenness of the ground and the beating of your heart.


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