Tag Archives: VOLTAIRE


The richness and depth of poetics without borders Meeting Benches is a place of connection, discovery and inspiration, an invitation to slow down, look around and see the art and beauty; people sit on its benches and share art, stories and thoughts. In this place of connection, between artists and art lovers you can meet artists, thinkers and dreamers from …

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EIGHTEEN CENTURY ATMOSPHERE, BETWEEN CARPENTRAS AND VALENCIENNES – Among places of art and natural beauty, a magnificent “author’s journey” through France.

A journey into eighteenth century, based on the idea of delicacy and sensorial homogenization. From south to north, with a slight detour to the east, the best way to give you some memories is to move by car. Rich in places of art and natural beauties, France offers you the chance to create a splendid “journey of author”. Only in …

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