Tag Archives: Plague

QUOD TU ES EGO FUI. QUOD EGO SUM ET TU ERIS – What you are, I too was, what I am, you too will be

Monitor everyone, without respite and distraction, far from contagion This is an Author’s journey set in Italy, with a time horizon ranging from 1348 to 2021. The whole itinerary is focus on pandemics over the centuries, and on their ability to influence the mental and geographical views of vast territories. It will be a special Author’s journey, which will cross …

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FROM PLAGUE TO CORONAVIRUS – Journey into the memory of a different death

When epidemics rage in the cities, looking for infectors You have decided what to see, budget and destination, so it is time to build your trip, but add the places you want to see. If you decide to travel to Italy to create a travel itinerary to refer to, consider five places touched by the plague epidemics https://offtheshelf.com/2014/10/7-deadly-plague-books-you-should-read-before-youre-quarantined/. After returning …

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