La pittura indiana, una lunga e ricca tradizione che abbraccia millenni La pittura indiana è una finestra sull’anima, dove colori e simboli danzano insieme in divina armonia. Oggi, i critici considerano i suoi dipinti tra i più importanti dipinti moderni dell’India. La sua fede nella sua passione lo ha trasformato nel più celebrato pittore indiano del XX secolo. Questo pioniere …
The genius and original style of an iconic symbol of non-violence Meeting Benches, a virtual meeting place where creativity knows no boundaries, invites you to explore art from around the world. By visiting this website, you will meet artists, thinkers and dreamers who share their visions and inspire each other. Whether you are an art enthusiast, a traveler, or …
Read More »PICKING THE PERFECT ROUTE – Starting Amritsar, through New Delhi, until Kolkata: journey into Indian creativity.
Where Creativity stems from diversity India packs a lot and you’ll never have time to see it all on one trip. Here everything is recycled, even dreams. As he said Kiran Millwood Hargrave, India is a place where color is doubly bright. Pinks that scald your eyes, blues you could drown in. Visiting this country, you too can discover time …
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