The great archipelago where it grow creativity You could try the experience of sleeping one night in the Sahara desert, or cross the endless roads of Iceland by motorcycle. The itinerary we offer you is built through meetings with creative people from the Philippines, an opportunity that we want to share with you, associating the memory of places with …
Read More »BETWEEN COCKFIGHTS, OLD CATHEDRALS AND SWAMING CHILDRENS – Felix Laureano: Photograph, to depict the lives of Filipinos who lived and worked in Iloilo
The first Filipino artist to use photography as a medium for art The colonial influence of American culture has created an imprint in performing arts and film sectors and scenes. Iloilo is know as Festivals’s Capital, with cultural identity also influenced by the Hispanic culture. Do not forget eating bowl of La Paz Batchoy, a delicacy that originated from the …
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