Tag Archives: Coco Chanel


Dora Kallmus, the pioneering photographer who continues to fascinate the world Meeting Benches is a place of connection, discovery and inspiration, an invitation to slow down, look around and see the art and beauty; people sit on its benches and share art, stories and thoughts. In this place of connection and meeting between artists and art lovers, you can meet …

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LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN TO CREATIVITY – Where the artist has his entanglements, because they feed his creativity

Where creativity becomes innovation, if transformed into reality Journey into the creativity of France https://nz.ambafrance.org/Creativity-A-quintessentially-french-trait, where être means to be and where it indicates nationality and profession, but also where it describes people and things. One can be French by descent or by the battles waged, yet, already in conceiving a certain type of sail or handbag; in both cases, …

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