THE REDISCOVERY OF AN ANCIENT ATTITUDE – Five ways to understand Chinese creativityTHE REDISCOVERY OF AN ANCIENT ATTITUDE – Five ways to understand Chinese creativity

THE REDISCOVERY OF AN ANCIENT ATTITUDE – Five ways to understand Chinese creativity

Chinese fashion, between sorghum and ducks, melodies and an expressionist painter Creativity is the ability to create using an original…

5 years ago
EXPRESSIONISM, BETWEEN SOCIAL UPHEAVALS AND EMOTIONS – Zeng Fanzhi, the artist heavily influenced by physical and emotional circumstancesEXPRESSIONISM, BETWEEN SOCIAL UPHEAVALS AND EMOTIONS – Zeng Fanzhi, the artist heavily influenced by physical and emotional circumstances

EXPRESSIONISM, BETWEEN SOCIAL UPHEAVALS AND EMOTIONS – Zeng Fanzhi, the artist heavily influenced by physical and emotional circumstances

A desire for research between Asian art and western influences Walking, here you can clearly perceive the contrast between the…

5 years ago
PHOTOGRAPHING THE POVERTY THRESHOLD – Stefen Chow, the photographer of the to be poorPHOTOGRAPHING THE POVERTY THRESHOLD – Stefen Chow, the photographer of the to be poor

PHOTOGRAPHING THE POVERTY THRESHOLD – Stefen Chow, the photographer of the to be poor

A mountaineer father, photographer of social processes At dawn, the light here is extraordinarily clear, perfect for photographing. China is…

5 years ago
WRITING ABOUT LIFE AND INEVITABLE DEATH – Mo Yan: Write what you knows, in ways that are natural to youWRITING ABOUT LIFE AND INEVITABLE DEATH – Mo Yan: Write what you knows, in ways that are natural to you

WRITING ABOUT LIFE AND INEVITABLE DEATH – Mo Yan: Write what you knows, in ways that are natural to you

Between tales marked by impassioned humanism Walking through Beijing, you will discover that there are three types of bookstores: managed…

5 years ago
WHEREVER YOU GO, GO WITH ALL THE HEART – “Chinese author travel”, where you find your destiny right where it hides, to avoid it.WHEREVER YOU GO, GO WITH ALL THE HEART – “Chinese author travel”, where you find your destiny right where it hides, to avoid it.

WHEREVER YOU GO, GO WITH ALL THE HEART – “Chinese author travel”, where you find your destiny right where it hides, to avoid it.

When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills. Giant Panda Research Base that puts…

6 years ago