LISTENING HAIZI: Under the tree in August, when the moon break your heart

FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER “Woman of June gathers water, gathers moonlight Woman of July sells cotton Woman under the August tree washes her ears I hear in the opposite window that the woman of September is engaged her ring like a wet chick in her pocket Woman of October blows out the candles of her wedding. Black doors fall on …

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CHINESE DEPTHS: Looking at the relationship between man and nature, pruning magnolia trees and soft watercolor painting, along with the children, waiting for the autumn

PRUNING TREES – Po Chu-I “Before my window grow trees; tall trees and dense foliage grows. Sad, alas, the distant view of the mountains: obscured, between them, can be seen just One morning I took a knife and hatchet; with my own hands cut the flourishing branches. Myriads of leaves fall around me in the head, thousands of mountains appear …

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RAINER MARIA RILKE: To be loved is to pass, but love is last

HOW COULD I: “How could I hold it in me, my soul, that your material does not touch; as you remove it over, ad infinitum? I could hide it in a remote corner in the darkness; a stranger quiet refuge, which is not followed to vibrate if it vibrates your deep. But everything that touches us, you and me, together, …

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THE LOCKS OF GABCIKOVO: The Ocean’s Green West Slovakia, where seven-tenths of what you are, can you find the three-tenths of what you’re looking for

A lone Vespa enthusiast, off Ocean Green Western Slovakia, has lost any reference point and can not find the way to Gabcikovo. Lost in the banks of the Danube, he experiences the special character of that expanse of grass, hay and water that surrounds it, but it changes its perceptions, visual and emotional, which are beyond its control. Start a …

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