FERNANDO BOTERO: The Colombian contemporary painter, and his love for the Renaissance, with shades of Giotto and Mantegna
ANTONELLO DA MESSINA, ITALIAN PAINTER: The Italian Renaissance painter who, with shades Flemish still gives life to his characters
ALEXANDRU CEFAN, THE DARK, POETRY: Close your eyes, looking for the depth of the dark
THE DARK “I closed my eyes to rediscover the deep darkness, hiding always at the same time. It looks like a morning lost inside my confused soul.” (Alexandru Cefan)
Read More »GUIDO DI PIETRO (Beato Angelico), ITALIAN PAINTER: The emotional nuance of the Middle Ages and humanity, in all its Renaissance paintings
UNITED COLORS OF POVERTY – Deception of the friendships, friend of many or a few, food to be pitied or covet
TWO SPECIES – J. P. Sartre: Of the two species poor. Those that are all together, and those that are individually. The former are true, others are of the rich unlucky. RICH FRIENDSHIPS – E. Pound: Come, compiangiamoli those who are better than us. Come, friend, and remember, that the rich have butlers and no friends, and we have friends …
Read More »YOU’VE SEEN THE SEA: Poetry, by Han Dong
YOU’VE SEEN THE SEA “You have seen the sea you have imagined the sea you’ve imagined the sea then seen it just like this you saw the sea and imagined it but you are not a sailor you imagined the sea you saw the sea possibly you anche liked the sea at most it was like this you saw the …
Read More »MARIOTTO ALBERTELLI: Painter of the Italian Renaissance, on the way from the workshop of Rosselli and brotherhood with Baccio della Porta, to the landscapes of the Flemish sile
Michelangelo Buonarroti – Sculptor, painter, architect and poet of the Italian Renaissance
FERNANDO PESSOA, EPITHALAMIUM: Open your windows, grow bolder or more rich
EPITHALAMIUM “Open the windows and thee doors all wide lest taught of night abide, or, like a ship’s trail in the sea, survive what made it there to live! She lies in bed half waiting that her wish grow bolder or more rich to make her rise, or poorer, to oust fear, and she rise as a common day were …
Read More »VITTORE CARPACCIO: The Italian Renaissance painter who painted for us the life and customs of the Republic of Venice
UNITED COLORS OF RESPONSIBILITY – Seals personal and rainbows over the eyes, in the fields of sins
SEALS – Job (The Bible): The hands of every man he closes in a seal, so that each recognizes his works. REDEMPTION – S. Yesenin: Swan song shakes the rainbow eye. For those who fall, sacrifice redeemed all sin. DEADLY FRUITS – Aeschylus: The field of guilt, fruits death. TWICE – Talmud (Hebrew text): Who committed twice a shame, no …
Read More »FAN YUN, POETRY OF FAREWELL: As regards the time passing, observes the snow, and even the flowers
POETRY OF FAREWELL “To the east and west walls of Luoyang, long salute the passing time. Before she left the snow that seemed flowers, now are the flowers that seem to snow.” (Fan Yun)
Read More »LEONARDO DA VINCI: The genius who managed to fully embody the spirit of the Renaissance
A BOOK WITHOUT TIME, THE PRINCE: Niccolo Machiavelli, ie profit and virtue, in the hazy boundaries of power
Few books, like this, books remain timeless. Suggestion of writing, combined with the criteria of logic and passion, make it the object and subject of the issues relating to power and success. If you think – reading it – to remain indifferent, you’re wrong. Profit and virtue, together to concerns of power, are a reality that goes beyond the boundaries. …
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