VALENTIN ALEXANDROVICH SEROV (1865/1911), PAINTER RUSSIAN: The pictorial realism of an actor, freshness painted on canvas.

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GIOVANNI BOLDINI (1842/1931), ITALIAN PAINTER: Elegant longues and Tuscan landscapes, willowy women and uninhibited

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VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853/1890), DUTCH PAINTER: Self-portraits, but also the realism of still lifes and cypresses, fields of wheat fields and sunflowers.

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GIOVANNI ANTONIO CANAL – CANALETTO (1697/1768), ITALIAN PAINTER: Shades of beautiful topography, architecture and nature, cataloging the preciousness of light

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JUAN GRIS (1887/1927), PAINTER SPANISH: Comics and paintings, chatting with Matisse and Braque, Leger, Modigliani and Picasso

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JACOB JORDAENS (1593/1678), FLEMISH PAINTER: Love for domestic atmospheres, the regret for Italy ever seen

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CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH (1774/1840), GERMAN ARTIST: Artist of the landscapes of the soul, his eyes caught the light of God

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WILLIAM-ADOLPHE BOUGUERAU (1825) 1905), FRENCH PAINTER: Romanticism and neo-realism, in a painting style perfect

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CLAUDE MONET (1840/1926), FRENCH PAINTER: Eyes open to nature, the colors and the heart to love it

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EDVARD MUNCH (1864/1944), NORWEGIAN PAINTER: The Impressionist who painted the nuances of love and fear, death, melancholy and anxiety

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