South African actor, fashion designer and entrepreneur, she is best know as the founder and creative director of the Stoned Cherrie fashion label. Her work also includes eyewear and upholstery. In 2000, Nkhensani Manganyi started the fashion house Stoned Cherrie. One of her company’s better-known t-shirt designs featured the face of an anti-apartheid activist, murdered by the state security forces.
She holds a degree in Industrial Psychology and Sociology, then has written articles for Y-Mag and Going Up. She is also an actor, known for Soweto Green. As a spokesperson for diversity in African fashion, Nkhensani Manganyi has travelled through Africa. For her use of images of apartheid-era heroes as a recurring motif in its designs of T-shirts and cutaway tops, her company developed a high profile in South Africa.
She has travelled throughout the world as an entertainer, host and actor in a series of theatre plays. As an example of how designers develop, their collection, in the book “The Language of Fashion Design”, her image working in her Johannesburg studio is included. Some of Nkhensani Manganyi work was exhibite at the Fashion Institute of Technology, as part of the exhibition Black Fashion Designers. She is married to Zam Nkosi.
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