March 31, 2025 11:19 pm
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MASACCIO (1401/1428), ITALIAN PAINTER – At the age of 18, he was considered a master


MASACCIO 1/3 – He is considered the initiator of the Renaissance. Tommaso Giovanni of Mone Cassai (artistically known as Masaccio) was born in San Giovanni Valdarno in 1401. His paternal home (still existing), is located in the main street of his hometown. He remained father orphan, he had completed his first studies at his grandfather’s shop. In 1417 he went to Florence, where he worked at a paint shop of pictorial art. In 1423 on the occasion of the upcoming Jubilee, he visited Rome in the company of Brunelleschi and Alberti’s painters friends. Back in Florence, he was dealing with the works in a chapel, frescoing two stories with St. Peter. In 1426, he created polyptych for the chapel of S. Maria del Carmine in Pisa. Http://

MASACCIO 2/3 – His artistic maturity was premature, because at the age of eighteen he was considered a master. Although he remained a late Gothic artist, he applied the prospectives, which have given modernity to his work. On the Renaissance artistic world, his influence is absolute (also compared to that of Brunelleschi and Donatello). Among his fine works belongs polyptych for the altar (25 panels, now dismembered and scattered in various museums) in the Carmine church in Pisa. The central panel with Madonna on the throne with Child and four angels, is now visible in the National Gallery in London, but if you want to see the Crucifixion, you can visit National Museum of Capodimonte di Napoli

MASACCIO 3/3 – His first painting – dated April 23, 1422 – is the polyptych “Madonna and Child throne between two angels”, in the church of San Giovenale in Cascia (Reggello, Florence). Http:// Breaking every bond with the medieval stiffness, he conceived the perspective in a realistic way. In fact, his use of perspective has made him the creator of Renaissance stylistics. He takes inspiration from Giotto, Brunelleschi and Donatello, making his subjects so real, to be true. You can visit the Brancacci Chapel to admire his most significant work. He died prematurely in Rome in 1428.

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