February 12, 2025 2:43 am

COLORFUL HILLS AND SMALL VILLAGES – The wanderful world of Francesco Nesi

2post.1FRANCESCO NESI 1/3 – Francesco Nesi is born in a September day in San Casciano Val di Pesa, Tuscany. At present, he lives and works in Tavarnelle Val di Pesa. He is a self-taught artist, and his love for art allowed him to transform a passion in a full-time work. Dreams are the main feature of his compositions, and all its dreams have – inside – evident message: dreams are worth to be pursued, they are an opportunity to be lived at the fullest. 7post.2FRANCESCO NESI 2/3 – It is properly this dream, the essence of Nesi’s works, without forgetting the perfect setting around him: the coloured hills of Tuscany. Inside its painting, always you can see (togheter colorful hills), also small villages and historical centres of the main cities. Inside this imaginary world, always you can see a fantastic tree, where dreamy characters they wakes. Nesi has exhibited throughout Italy (lots of italian cities have hosted Nesi’s solo and collective exhibitions), and worldwide, and his paintings they had inalate the air of the major collections in United States, France and Germany. 18post.3FRANCESCO NESI 3/3 – Over his landscapes, always you can admire the yellow moon, together with hat, umbrellas and musical instruments. The message that comes out of his works is of joy for life, with harmony of colour and clever construction of landscapes. Nesi is an amazing colorist, and his figures are performers of happy dreams, that he have made with acrylic and oil mix. You can see more on Meeting Benches, looking for: FRANCESCO NESI, ITALIAN PAINTER – When dreams are the main feature of the painting




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