December 22, 2024 5:05 pm


The atmosphere of a country, and that of a nation, is also made of its language. Only by reading, you can “feel” what the eyes do not see. Visiting Spain, you can read this book by Jesús Díaz Armas: Deltedio. This is “The Meeting Benches way”: a perfectly proportioned man, created by Leonardo da Vinci, correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside Meeting Benches way: the Vitruvian approach to life.poetry.1.1

SOLO SED – Solo sed, hombre y canto, y el peso insoportable del vacío. Hace falta la piedra, la palabra certera, que alcance el mundo y rompa su sentido, que exprese lo innombrable, o que vuelva vencida y muda, sosegada por fin a dar consuelo.

ONLY THIRST – Only thirst, man and singing, and the unbearable burden of the void. It would take the stone, the sure word, that grab the world and that it breaks the sense that it expresses unspeakable, or to come back and defeat mute, finally subsided to console us.

SOLO SETE – Solo sete, uomo e canto, e il peso insopportabile del vuoto. Ci vorrebbe la pietra, la parola sicura, che afferri il mondo e che ne spezzi il senso, che l’innominabile esprima, o che torni sconfitta e muta, placata infine a consolarci.

(Jesús Díaz Armas)


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