September 28, 2024 2:13 pm

THE CELESTINE PROPHECY – Romance by James Redfield

When Redfield self-published his first novel, the immediate interest from booksellers and readers made The Celestine Prophecy one of the most successful self-published books of all time. As a young man, he studied Eastern philosophies, including Taoism and Zen, while majoring in sociology at Auburn University. James Redfield was 43 when he published The Celestine Prophecy. Born in 1950, he …

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Her mother was a composer who authored many famous creole waltzes. She, Blanca Varela, was born in Lima in a 1926 Summer day. In 1949 they travelled to Paris where she met Octavio Paz, a key figure in her life, who introduced her to the artists and intellectuals there. Octavio Paz (the Mexican Nobel Laureate), praised her poetry and identified …

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PAINTING COLONIAL TIMES AND AFRICAN CULTURE – Hector Bernabò, the scout that has become painter

HECTOR BERNABO’, ALIAS CARYBE’ 1/3 – His work has been used to illustrate novels written by such Latin American authors. Some of his work can be found in the Afro-Brazilian Museum of Salvador. He produced five thousand pieces of work, including paintings, drawings, sculptures and sketches. He became famous for his characterizations, using different techniques, of the Bahian black and …

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Brazil has an ancient history, one that is complex and intricate. Unique and original styles (such as samba and bossa nova, sertanejo, troicalia and choro, maracatu, embolada and mangue beat, frevo, axé andlambada). The first registration of musical activity in Brazil comes from the activities of two Jesuit priests in 1549. The native peoples of the Brazilian rainforest play instruments …

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Brazil is the largest country in South and Central America and the fifth largest in the world. Portuguese is the official language. The population of Brazil is a melting pot of races, including indigenous people, African and European. This variety is reflected in the food, architecture, music and culture of Brazil. Many pristine colonial towns can be discovered (like the …

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JUBIABA’ – Novel by Jorge Amado

Amado’s popularity as a writer has never declined. His work reflects the image of a Mestiço Brazil, and that image is marked by religious syncretism. He remains the best known of modern Brazilian writers (with his work having been translated into some 49 languages). Jorge Amado was born on a farm near the inland city of Itabuna (south of the …

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His work reads through the urban imperatives of human landscapes in the city. He has twice been awarded the Jabuti Prize, one of the greatest literary honours in Brazil (firstly in 1986, and later in 2010). He was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1940. Follower of the modernist poetic tradition (but also strongly influenced by the works of …

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HOPING – Poetry, by Mario Benedetti

Before dying, he dictated to his personal secretary, Ariel Silva what would become his last poem. In the Spanish-speaking world he was considered one of Latin America’s most important writers from the latter half of the 20th-century. At age four the boy was taken to Montevideo, where he received a superior education at a private school. Mario Benedetti was born …

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FICTIONS – Novel by Jorge Borges

He became blind by the age of 55, becaming unable to read, but his progressive blindness helped him to create innovative literary symbols through imagination. His works have contributed to philosophical literature and the fantasy genre. Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges, was an Argentine writer and poet. His best-known books, Fictions and The Aleph, are compilations of short stories interconnected …

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