AFTER DARK: Novel, by Haruki Murakami

AFTER DARK Imagine you're in Tokyo, imagine walking in the streets of a neighborhood that begins to live the arrival…

9 years ago

WUTHERING HEIGHTS: Romance, by Emily Bronte

WUTHERING HEIGHTS This woman wrote a single novel, but Wuthering Heights offers you thousands of food for thought, in each…

9 years ago

THE DREAM OF THE HORSE: Collection of poems, Maria Teresa Santalucia Scibona

PALIO Vigil in the haze of the night, the heart of Barbaresco suspended. It invokes, in the off hours of…

9 years ago

WITH EYES CLOSED: Romance, by Federigo Tozzi

WITH EYES CLOSED By reading this book you will know Peter Risoli, a man who has normal eyesight anatomical, but…

9 years ago

THE DICE-BOX: Poems in the prose, by Max Jacob

THE DICE-BOX The title (probably inspired by the "roll of the dice" Mallarme), condensing what you see: a set of…

9 years ago

AUSTRALIAN STORIES: Romance, by Henry Lawson

AUSTRALIAN STORIES A collection of short stories, which speaks of a time in the distant Australia. Inside the pages of…

9 years ago

THE CASE OF UNFAITHFUL KLARA: Romance, by Viewegh Michal

THE CASE OF UNFAITHFUL KLARA The exclusivity of the feeling of love, in a particular novel, one where you browse…

9 years ago

TIMELESS BOOKS: Near wild heart, novel, by Clarice Lispector

NEAR WILD HEART       Imagine a prism, imagine that right inside of it a light illuminates the wild…

9 years ago

TIMELESS BOOKS: Dead Souls, novel by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

DEAD SOULS You should imagine a Russia far, particular and mysterious, get to see an affable trafficker in "dead souls".…

9 years ago

TIMELESS BOOKS: The breath on marble, by Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė

BREATH ON MARBLE Imagine a remote farm in Lithuania, imagine a family with a child suffering from a serious illness.…

9 years ago