LIKE A BUNCH OF ROSES – Kostas Karyotakis: A desperate mentality, as a symbolistic annulment of the dream’s deceptive rapture.

The uncompromising stride. Each of us possesses it to some extent, sometimes we do not realize it, but creativity is…

5 years ago

SHADOWS OF WORDS – Amrita Pritam, a writing equally loved by the people of India and Pakistan.

Inspiring people through literary works. Later in her career, she started writing on dreams and spiritual themes. She was born…

5 years ago

I SEE MY PATH, BUT DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT LEADS – Rosalía de Castro: To express one’s own Celtic and mysterious soul with poems.

Happiness, I know you exist and are no futile dream. In the north-west of Spain, Santiago de Compostela is famous…

5 years ago

EVEN THE DARKEST NIGHT WILL END – Victor Hugo: I want to be either Chateaubriand or nothing.

The whole of my work, one day will be like an indivisible whole. Arousing widespread acclaim throughout Europe, his writings…

5 years ago

THE FAMILY PRODUCT OF CLERICAL AND SOCIAL REFORMER MEN – Marion Angus: Broaden horizons through reading, even when traveling abroad.

Even when her wit was mordant, she had a capacious and most generous heart. Sunderland is a city at the…

5 years ago

STRATIFICATIONS AND POETIC INTRICHES – Lisel Mueller, when sadness becomes poetry.

You shall not twist my bones into a star's shape. Cheap foodstuffs cause Ninety per cent of the diseases known…

5 years ago

SOLITUDE, IN POOR NEIGHBORHOODS OF COPENHAGEN – Tove Ditlevsen: Until buried at Christ Church, on her childhood Vesterbro.

Memory, the library of the soul, from which you will draw knowledge for the rest of your life. The area…

5 years ago

VERSES OF A CENTURY – Yevgeny Yevtushenko: A generous spirit.

Sharpness, sentiment, and sheer enjoyment of the sound of language. Eating local is part of your travel experience, also in…

5 years ago

WHEN, OF ALL THINGS, THE WORST IS HAVING BEEN BORN – Antero de Quental: Writing poems, between pessimism and depression.

Poetry, a sincere confession of the most intimate thought of an era. Ponta Delgada https://www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/6B6EEBF7-573E-4DD7-A758-8D260C6CA546, where to experience whale and…

5 years ago

LIVING WITH NEITHER CALENDARS, NOR CLOCKS – Patricia Kathleen: Poetry is a dangerous honey. I advise thee to taste it with the Tip of thy finger, and not to live upon it.

Something in the air, that made people appear to be old or young. Royal British Columbia Museum offer an introduction…

5 years ago