JACKSON POLLOCK (1912/1956), AMERICAN PAINTER: The painting moving in the canvases of his Abstract Expressionism

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SALVADOR DALI’ (1904/1989), SPANISH PAINTER: The skilled surrealist who knew the nuances of emotional memory

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JOHN PUGH, AMERICAN PAINTER: A three-dimensional illusion fiction, created with large trompe l’oeil wall murals

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DROPS OF DARKNESS – Painters of the night. From cherry blossoms fall images. So, in the gray dawn, stars detach from the sky

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Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960/1988), American painter: The man who led the American graffiti from metropolitan to the art galleries

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LAVINIA FONTANA (1552/1614), ITALIAN PAINTER: The daughter of a painter, a woman who appreciated Parmigianino, Tibaldi and Veronese

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ROSALBA CARRIERA (1673/1757): ITALIAN PAINTER: Precious miniatures, almost on ivory, joyfully living and scrutinizing the faces

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SOFONISBA ANGUISSOLA (1535/1625), ITALIAN PAINTER: Shades of renaissance feminine, in the shadow of mannerism

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TAMARA DE LEMPICKA (1898/1980), POLISH PAINTER: Traveling in Italy, Switzerland and France, the creative talent come true color.

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REMEDIOS VARO (1908/1963), MEXICAN PAINTER: Paintings dreamlike personal style, a woman steeped in surrealism

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