October 6, 2024 11:26 am

Meeting Bench

A SHELL CONTAINING THE PALIO – Piazza del Campo and Via della Galluzza, secularism and holiness, into the same walls of Siena

Piazza del Campo, is where you can find all the major monuments of the city. Just like Rome, this city is built on hills, so when you begin to walk in the streets of Siena, even now you know that you will find challenging climbs and descents pleasant. Of one thing you can be sure: do not get bored. In …

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BLACK MAPS – Poetry, by Mark Strand

BLACK MAPS Not the attendance of stones, nor the applauding wind, shall let you know you have arrived. Nor the sea that celebrates only departures, nor the mountains, nor the dying cities. Nothing will tell you, where you are. Each moment is a place, you’ve never been. You can walk, believing you cast a light around you. But how will …

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SUMMER – Poetry by Abai Kunanbaev

SUMMER Summer climbs the mountains. Flowers overcolour and blanch. Men leave the sun and sit, tree-tented, by the cold creek. Horses bray, each apart in the warm air, and the long grass whiffles in a lime plain. Hushed and still, the horseherd stand in whiter-high; and wave the flies away with silk-swish tails; and colts clatter the air, rippling the …

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ENTRE IRSE Y QUEDARSE > Entre irse y quedarse duda el día, enamorado de su transparencia. La tarde circular es ya bahía. En su quieto vaivén se mece el mundo. Todo es visible y todo es elusivo, todo está cerca y todo es intocable. Los papeles, el libro, el vaso, el lápiz reposan a la sombra de sus nombres. Latir …

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NIGHT ON THE ISLAND – Poetry by Pablo Neruda

LA NOCHE EN LA ISLA > Toda la noche he dormido contigo junto al mar en la isla. Salvaje y dulce eras entre el placer y el sueño, entre el fuego y el agua. Tal vez muy tarde nuestros sueños se unieron en lo alto o en el fondo, arriba como ramas que un mismo viento mueve, abajo como rojas …

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REMOTE, WILD AND SILENT – Travel along the north coast of Scotland

Yes, the bay is really wide. Just from that bay ferries leave for Orkney and Shetland. Thurso is really a small town, but this scenic part of Scotland’s northern coast, offers a starting point for many, very many small and valuable discoveries. Dounreay, gives the opportunity to visit the Atomic Energy Exhibition, but crossing the estuary of Stath Naver and …

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SAYING SOMETHING – Poetry, by Carol Ann Duffy

SAYING SOMETHING  Things assume your shape. Discarded clothes, a damp shroud in the bathroom, vacant hands. This is not fiction. This is the plain and warm material of love. My heart assumes it. We wake. Our private language starts the day. We make familiar movements through the house. The dreams we have no phrases for slip through our fingers into …

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PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA (1416/1492), ITALIAN PAINTER – A myth, through the centuries

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PAINTING AND TRAVELING A LOT – Piero della Francesca, nothing may be forgotten

PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA 1/4 – Of the man (which is certainly not the year of birth), born in the small Italian town of Sansepolcro, and died in the year in which America was discovered, we know relatively little. He began to paint banners and flags for his city, but also altarpieces, portraits and murals (partially lost). Professionally, he grew up …

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WHEN THE CHARM HAS NO WORDS – Investigation of a myth. Piero della Francesca

Until June 26, 2016, you will not need to go to St. Sepulchre, to stay a little beside Piero, but you’ll have to go to Forli – to the Museums San Domenico – to admire the art exhibition “Piero della Francesca – on a Survey myth”. An absolutely wonderful opportunity, a real appointment with the “king” of Renaissance painting. Walking …

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