October 6, 2024 7:25 am

Meeting Bench

IN A REALISTIC MANNER – Georges de la Tour: using of simple lighting, like candles, in a realistic manner

GEORGES DE LA TOUR 1/4 – He was born as the son of the master baker Jean de la Tour and Sibylle Mélian in Vic-sur-Seille. In 1618, he married Diane Le Nerf, the daughter of the duke of Lorraine. He was a good and ambitious businessman, who soon became famous and wealthy and had a large workshop with numerous assistants. …

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SENSATION – Poetry, by Arthur Rimbaud

SENSATION > Par les soirs bleus d’été, j’irais dans les sentiers, picoté par les blés, fouler l’herbe menue: rêveur, j’en sentirai la fraîcheur à mes pieds. Je laisserai le vent baigner ma tête nue. Je ne parlerai pas, je ne penserai rien: mais l’amour infini me montera dans l’âme. Et j’irai loin, bien loin, comme un bohémien, par la Nature, …

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TAKE THIS ROSE – Poetry, by Pierre de Ronsard

TAKE THIS ROSE > Prends cette rose aimable comme toi, qui sert de rose aux roses les plus belles, qui sert de fleur aux fleurs les plus nouvelles, dont la senteur me ravit tout de moi. Prends cette rose, et ensemble reçois, dedans ton sein mon coeur qui n’a point d’ailes: il est constant et cent plaies cruelles, n’ont empêché …

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HUG – Poetry, by Blaga Dimitrova

HUG Heart to heart. And breathe in the breath. So close to me, so as not to see you. Over your shoulder, I saw in the distance a dark mountain. I was stretched out in a rush, as if to pass you. I felt the pounding heart beat of the stars. I welcomed the wind out of breath, covered with …

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WHITE NIGHTS – Poetry, by Blaga Dimitrova

WHITE NIGHTS Unknown source of light, soaked granite and gardens. The Neva has poured into the sky blushes, the sky in the river in blue shivers. And shoulder to shoulder two young go with cautious and slow step, not to disperse this light, that heart-to-heart overflows. (Blaga Dimitrova) http://www.amazon.com/Scars-Blaga-Dimitrova/dp/1930214030/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

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PAUL SIGNAC (1863/1935), FRENCH PAINTER – Paint with square color touches, like the tiles of a mosaic

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ALONG THE WATER – Paul Signac: attention to avant-garde painting, between scientific rigor and emotional values

PAUL SIGNAC 1/4 – He is an artist who has given birth – along with Georges Seurat – the painting technique of Pointillism. The life of this Parisian artist, in love with the French Riviera, is like a catalog of exhibitions dedicated to him regularly: paintings, watercolors and drawings by an artist in love with the color. PAUL SIGNAC 2/4 …

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WAITING FOR THE FLIGHT OF THE DOVE – Florence, on Easter Sunday: the “Scoppio del Carro”

Have you ever witnessed the flight of the Dove on Easter Sunday in Florence? I have, and I assure you that it is an experience not to be missed. Every year, during the morning of Easter Sunday, the Florentine gather in Piazza del Duomo, to see the traditional “Scoppio del Carro”. Escorted by 150 soldiers, musicians and flag bearers, the …

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ON THE SIDE OF A HILL IN THE HEART OF THOSE WHO KNOWS – Welcome to Rome, stopped at the rooftop terrace of the Pincio

​When your geographical horizon extends – for business or pleasure – you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside, like the perfectly proportioned man (created by Leonardo da Vinci), correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside the Vitruvian approach to life. Welcome to the …

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DRINKING TOKAJ WINE, NEXT TO THE CATHEDRAL – Bratislava, next to Danube, on foothill of Malé Karpaty mountains

The city is connected by motorways with the capital towns of neighbouring countries. 65 km away Vienna is the closest one, followed by Budapest with 200 km, and Prague with 300 km. That city lies on both banks of the Danube, on the foothill of Malé Karpaty mountains. Despite a rich history, it is one the youngest capitals in the …

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