October 6, 2024 3:27 am

Meeting Bench

THE LIFE – Poetry by C. Pich

LA VITA > Tu che fai piccole barchette d’oro, fai per noi la più piccola. Sarà la barchetta dei nostri sogni in questo mare non sempre azzurro che è la vita. THE LIFE > You, you do small golden boats, you do for us the smallest. It will be the little boat of our dreams, in this sea not always …

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TEN MINUTES BY BOAT, LOOKING FOR PEACE – Island of San Giulio, Lake Orta (Italy)

275 meters long and 140 wide, it is about 400 meters from the shore. The island is dominated by the Seminary, built in 1844 on the ruins of the castle. Beautiful, in 30 minutes it’s all yours! That fantastic island in the middle of Lake Orta, can be reached from Orta San Giulio (every 15-20 minutes, and the ride takes …

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TWO EYES – Poetry, by Dario Pasero

DUE OCCHI > Due occhi mi guardano nel profondo, mi hanno fatto sanguinare il cuore. Due labbra rosse mi hanno detto dolcemente un segreto, che so solo io. Un solco del tuo profumo nell’aria chiara, mi ha sussurrato piano. Mai più. TWO EYES > Two eyes look at me deeply, made me bleed my heart. Two red lips told me …

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HANDS REMEMBER Do you remember what things looked like when you were young? The voice of an old friend,or the notes to your first song, it’s been a while now, since you asked me to be your cat, your dog, your owl or bumblebee. Lately I’ve been feeling, like the days gonna come, you’ll walk up to me, and erase …

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I LOVE YOU Where the light shivers offshore, through the tides of oceans, are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue, I am softly watching you. Oh boy your eyes betray what burns inside you. Whatever I feel for you, you only seem to care about you. Is there any chance you could see me …

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HERE WITH ME I didn’t hear you leave, I wonder how am I still here and I don’t want to move a thing, it might change my memory. Oh I am what I am, I’ll do what I want, but I can’t hide, I won’t go, I won’t sleep, I can’t breathe until you’re resting here with me. I don’t …

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THE LOVE STORY THAT WAS IMMORTALIZED BY DANTE – Paolo and Francesca, waiting for you at the Gradara’s Castle (Central Italy)

http://www.bestsmalltownsitaly.com/town/gradara-the-marches-center/ Legend, has it that the castle was the scene of the famous and tragic love story of Paolo and Francesca, caught in each other’s arms and killed by Gianciotto (Francesca’s husband). This love story was immortalized by Dante in his Divine Comedy. Situated at 142 metres above sea level, with the Republic of San Marino, Rimini and Carpegna in …

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MALADROIT – Poetry, by Jordi Cornudella

MALAPTESA > Jo no sabia què fer del meu cos, els braços que semblaven mig cenyir-te però no les mans – i tu em vas ajudar. Salvant a l’aire el gest vas acollir-lo. Vas salvar el gest, i més: al seu redós de sobte el que era pla va ensenyar uns nous corrents més àgils dins l’aigua quieta. De sobte …

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END OF THE PARTY – Poetry, byJaume Subirana

FINAL DE FESTA > Vénen cada matí les formes i la llum i cada nit vénen més formes i la fosca, i tot fuig en la nit i fuig tot en ple dia amb la proclama silenciosa que l’excés dels mesos, les setmanes i l’abans i l’ara ens ha estat atorgat, mercè d’un rei magnànim i terrible. Que tot ens …

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WHEN THE MUSIC BECOMES POETRY – A firefly in August, by Gianmaria Testa

UNA LUCCIOLA D’AGOSTO > Una lucciola d’agosto, se ne andava una mattina, fiera della sua valigia, a raccogliere la luna. E gridava ai quattro venti, la sua gioia d’esser viva, lo gridava ai quattro venti, e la sua luce lampeggiava. Ma la lucciola d’agosto, vide il sole che nasceva, solo, dietro le montagne. Vide il sole che brillava, disse al …

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