Meeting Bench


VALERIANO BECQUER 1/3 – He died of liver disease. He remains in the workshop of his uncle until 1853, then barely subsisting with doing portraits. Before the date of his marriage, he made some works of great interest, as the Carlist of La Esperanza, now in the Romantic Museum of Madrid. His brief marriage failed in 1862, after producing two …

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Services there in the museum shop, that has a wide range of articles and publications related to the contents of the museum. Walking inside the treasure chest of art, do not forget that more than one hundred artists have added the imprint of their style, year after year, that now you can admire.The building itself was built in 1594, but …

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HE PERFECTES THE OTTAVA RIMA – Angelo Poliziano, a poet of unfailing artistry

He perfected the ottava rima, and was among the first scholars of the Renaissance, and a poet of unfailing artistry. Angelo Poliziano (or Angiolo), was born at Montepulciano. He was tutor to the sons of Lorenzo de’ Medici, becoming in 1480 Professor of Greek and Latin Literature at Florence. Held many benefices, which were withdrawn from him on the death …

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The most important Italian musical centers, were those of Rome and Venice. In music even, the sixteenth century was a century of great novelty and intense development, as resented all that complex of ideas and stimuli which is known as the Renaissance. Examining the main musical characteristics of the century (the madrigal and Mass), we observe that they see the …

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THE TRAIN OF TASTES – Lake Iseo, Italy: from March to December, every Sunday

If you love history and art, if you want to enhance your time enjoying unusual experiences, if you are looking for something special, a trip by rail it is able to surprise you. The trip aboard the train of Flavours is a different experience from the usual, a dip in the green, away from the noise of civilization. What …

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FROM EVERYDAY TO EXTRAORDINARY– Francisco de Goya: atrocities of war, between portraits and nudes

FRANCISCO GOYA 1/3 – The experience helped him become a keen observer of human behavior. The father of Spanish modern art. Francisco de Goya, painted royal portraits as well as more subversive works in late 1700s and early 1800s. He was born on March day, in Spain. He began his art studies as a teenager (even spent time in Rome). …

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FRANCISCO DE GOYA (1746/1828), SPANISH PAINTER – Creating works that criticized his era

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EXPLORING THE KNOWN – Between the eye and the way there is an abyss; and before and behind another. And no return, not knowing what to watch, I try to focus pended between abysses. I am seeking a vanishing point, a fountain, the horizon on grass and blue setback, another point, the expansion of a beach. Look for the half-naked …

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A HEART SO WHITE – Romance by Javier Marías

He is a Spanish writer, his books are translated all over the world. He is the grandson of a filmmaker and son of a philosopher. Thanks to his uncle, Javier Marías began working in the film industry, but also manages to graduate in English Philology. For two years he taught Spanish literature at the University of Oxford, later becoming professor …

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