“A LA PLAGE” IN FRENCH RIVIERA: Saint-Tropez, the horizon bigger, between sails and beautiful people

9 years ago

For more than half a century, a piece of blue has turned to the gym, that is, in a certain…

A HOUSE OF PICO, WHERE WE CAN REGENERATE OURSELVES: As the farmer marries elm to the screws, so the magician marries the earth to Heaven

9 years ago

Pico is in the pages of a new book, one written by Giulio Busi and Raphael Ebgi. Giovanni Pico della…

BILLIARDS PLAYER: A game from the complex variants, like your life

9 years ago

An ancient game, with its strict discipline, the game of billiards. Four sides and a soft rectangular field, softly green.…

NEST CUCKOOS, FOR HUMAN PUPPIES: The “wheels” for infants, those who accept the gifts of innocence

9 years ago

Imagine a cylindrical object, made with wood. Imagine that niche, divided into two distinct parts. Imagine a human infant, unwanted…

C. L. DE MONTESQUIEU, TRAVEL IN ITALY: Four literary nuances, in the formation processes, mental and emotional, as many travelers

9 years ago

Travel in Italy. http://www.amazon.it/Viaggio-Italia-Charles-L-Montesquieu/dp/8842047139  Charles L. de Montesquieu, examines and describes the social scene and the intrigues consistorial, admires the…

V. WOLF, TRAVEL IN ITALY: Four literary nuances, in the formation processes, mental and emotional, as many travelers

9 years ago

Travel in Italy. http://www.amazon.it/Diari-viaggio-Italia-Grecia-Turchia/dp/8862612222/ref=sr_1_49?ie=UTF8&qid=1420197195&sr=8-49&keywords=viaggio+in+italia Virginia Woolf, novelist, essayist and activist British - died aged 59, in 1941. Among his novels,…

F. R. DE CHATEAUBRIAND, TRAVEL IN ITALY: Four literary nuances, in the formation processes, mental and emotional, as many travelers

9 years ago

Travel in Italy.  http://www.ibs.it/code/9788887804607/chateaubriand-f--reneac/viaggio-italia.html FR de Chateaubriand, the travel writer, politician and French diplomat, dies in Paris at age 80,…

J. W. VON GOETHE, TRAVEL IN ITALY: Four literary nuances, in the formation processes, mental and emotional, as many travelers

9 years ago

Travel in Italy. http://www.amazon.it/Goethes-Travels-Italy-Residence-Fragments/dp/0548168172/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420199683&sr=8-1&keywords=travel+in+italy%2C+goethe The title of a book by JW von Goethe, his travelogue in the "land where the…

SYLT, THE CHANNEL ISLANDS NORTH: On the border between Denmark and Germany, 40 km of beaches and dunes, to find your corner of serenity

9 years ago

You start by saying one thing, as a good sailor, which I am. If you want to come in the…

UNITED COLORS OF THE WORLD – Picking compensation and pain, above a boat ephemeral, where the rose of the soul flourishes

9 years ago

APPEARANCES - K. Popper: An unknown reality, the world, behind the appearances.               DISTORTED…