February 27, 2025 11:24 pm
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KISSED MOUTH DON’T LOSE ITS FORTUNE – Giovanni Boccaccio / The Decameron.

When farmers allowed one rooster for ten hens.

Stendhal’s syndrome, is a psychosomatic disorder that causes dizziness and hallucinations when an individual is exposed to an experience of great personal viewing art. Welcome Florence, while you exposed to the super concentrated works of art. Don’t worry for syndrome, the effects are relatively short-lived, but what you will see remain with you for all your life. Also painter Raffaello Sanzio (with his perfect balance between space and figures), waiting for you at the Uffizi Gallery, https://www.uffizi.it/en/the-uffizi where are displayed the gorgeous “Madonna of the Goldfinch”, the “Portrait of Pope Leone X” and the Portraits of the “Grand Dukes of Urbino”.

Gifts from Florence? You will need to cross Ponte Vecchio if you think of bright and shiny objects of great value (both sides of the oldest bridge are lined with shops that sell exclusively jewelry). Something special to buy? Ceramics were very important in Florence in the Renaissance, and your Florentine holiday memories will be platters or pitchers. Where? Near the Duomo (on Via dei Conti, 14R), Ceramica Ricceri https://www.riccericeramica.com/index.php?c=3 waiting for your preferences. Also a Renaissance poet (born close Florence) he had used this ceramicas.

He was an Italian writer and poet he laid the foundations for the humanism of the Renaissance. It was in around year 1350 that GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO composed the “Decameron“, of which its influence on literature throughout Europe was enormous. It is known that he spent his childhood in Florence, because his father was a prominent merchant, while his mother belonged to an illustrious family. He was sent to Naples to study business, but his growing interest in literature drifted him away from studying these subjects.

Although never married, he was a father to three children. He fell in love with a lady he named Fiammetta in his writings), starting mingling with the courtly society. Returned to Florence, GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO was trusted-man in public offices, also on diplomatic missions. Disappointing love affairs and deteriorating health made he depressive. He attempted to burn his letters, manuscripts and library. After his death on a December day, 1375, his literary works were preserved into the monastery of Santo Spirito, in Florence.

The Decameron opens with a description of the terrors of the pest, then introduces to a company of 10 young people, seven ladies (and three men), who have come together at a villa to while away to escape the epidemic. Each presides for a day over the company and on each of 10 days each of the company, tells a story. You wuill know Peronella hiding her lover in a tub. Reading this book, you too can discover the worlds of Boccaccio and of his storytellers, into vivid and exciting prose fiction. Summer of 1348, Black Death had ravages the cityes while it had born a hundred stories of love and adventure, without preoccupied with morality or religion.

The property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these artists for other people enjoy their works. To pursue this issue, you can digit: https://www.amazon.com/Decameron-Penguin-Classics-Giovanni-Boccaccio/dp/01404493025


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