December 22, 2024 7:37 pm

GERMAN CREATIVITY, WHERE MEDIEVAL MEET MODERNITY – When small creative amounts add up to something bigger.

Where everything has an end, but only the sausage has two.

Learning German, is what eternity was made for. Your life isn’t too short to learn German. When you start your visit, never forget: “Bald reif hält nicht steif” (early ripe, early rotten). Germany’s contribution to the world of classical music provides a powerful pretext for a visit. Here you can image a creative way to travel, standing in a Roman amphitheatre or walk along remnants of the Berlin Wall. Prepare for a temptations, experiencing Germany’s soul-stirring scenery, finding spirit-lifting culture (also inside city beauties), together romantic palaces and half-timbered towns.

Don’t forget experiencing Germany through its food and drink, because it will add a rich layer to your memories. You too can experience a pilgrimage to the Bauhaus in Dessau or the Weissenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart, waiting for German modernism. Maybe you wish to create a special route, from the pioneering realism of Albrecht Dürer, until ethereal Romanticism of Caspar David Friedrich, is well worth discovering.

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