March 18, 2025 11:26 pm
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DEATH IN VENICE – Thomas Mann / Tolerance becomes a crime, when applied to evil.

When solitude gives birth to the original in us, but also to the opposite: to the illicit, the absurd.

When your train will take you to the city of the seven towers, you will see the narrow streets where the Middle Ages do not seem finished, wrapped in the thousand canals surrounding it. From the Lübeck railway station you will see the Holstentor (the gate to guard the old town), certainly you too will want to see the places where a German writer was born and raised, trying to get to the Buddenbrook House, at 4 Mengstrasse, a residential road that ends on the riverfront. The white house with a rococo facade, from 1842 belonged to the Mann family.

For him, no man remains quite what he was, when he recognizes himself. His ironic epic novels are noted for their insight into the psychology of the artist and the intellectual. THOMAS MANN was born in Lübeck inside a June day, 1875. When he was fifteen his father died. A little later his mother left the town with the younger children, in order to settle in Munich. He was a German novelist, 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate. His analysis of the German soul, used modernized German and Biblical stories. He continued to combat nazism throughout the period of the Nazi regime and the Second World War. He became an American citizen in 1940, living in Santa Monica, (California). After the war, when he finally returned to Europe, he settled near Zürich, where he died in 1955.

Death in Venice, a novel, was first published in 1912. The work presents a writer suffering who visits Venice, where he sight of a stunningly beautiful youth. Tadzio (the boy in the story), it’s based on a boy THOMAS MANN had really seen during his visit to Venice, in 1911. The main character it’s a famous author, in his early fifties, who has recently been ennobled in honor of his artistic achievement. He is a man disciplined and ascetic to the point of severity, who was widowed at a young age. He has a vision of a swamp-wilderness, full of lurking danger. Soon afterwards, he resolves to take a Venice holiday.

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