March 6, 2025 11:10 am
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WOJCIECH WEISS 1/3 – Lots of his works are on display in the museums of Pozna, Warsaw and Cracovia. He was born in Romania to a Polish family in exile. He chose to enroll in the academy of Fine Art of Cracovia. When he completed studies, he traveled Europe to improve himself sojournined in Rome, Florence and Paris. In his creative development, after a parenthesis expressionist, his interest was turned toward the Colorism. “Spring”, one of his oil on canvas (96,5 xes 65,5cms) painting from 1898, waits to be seen in the National Museum, in Warsaw.

WOJCIECH WEISS 2/3 – As a painter, draftsman and graphic artist he had been a representative of the expressionist movement of the young Polish art and also of the coloristic tendencies in the years 1920 and 1930. Originally he painted historians or mythological scene, but at the end of his life, he had offered meaningful contributions into the Polish socialist realism. Being a symbolic painter, he reflected the atmosphere of his epoch in his works, with expressionists tones. After 1905, he was moved towards a special transformation in the use of the color. “Self-portrait with masks” waits to be seen in the National Museum, Cracovia

WOJCIECH WEISS 3/3 – A lot of people associate his job to his colored landscapes and sensual nude. In 1923, he made his first trip to Nice, later keeping every year visiting the south of France and Italy. In the years ’30, the Baltic Coast became a subject of his job of plein air, painting the landscapes of Kalwaria. His Italian landscapes incorporated silvered color, which captured the damp of the atmosphere. “Aneri to the door”, his 1908 painted oil on canvas (175 xes 98 cms) can be seen in the Malczewski Museum of Radom.

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