March 31, 2025 11:14 pm
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EXTRAVAGAMT MASKS AND FANTASTICAL DRAMAS – The surrealistic world of Eleonor Fini

1ELEONOR FINI 1/3 – She is considered one of the most important women artists of the mid-twentieth century. Her career, included painting, graphic design, book illustration, product design. She was a virtually self-taught artist, learing anatomy in the local morgue, and absorbing technique through books and visits to museums. In 1907 she born in Buenos Aires, in a August day, to Italian and Argentine parents, she grew up in Trieste, Italy, where she become a virtually self-taught artist.10

ELEONOR FINI 2/3 – In Milan, she participated in her first group exhibition in 1929. Her vivacious personality, garnered her a spotlight in the Parisian art world, where she developed close relationships with the leading surrealist painters, and one of them, Max Ernst, became her lover for a time. She is documented as to having had relations with many different men. She met the Polish writer Konstanty Jeleński, and was delighted to discover that he was the illegitimate half-brother of Sforzino Sforza (who had been one of her most favorite lovers).19

ELEONOR FINI 3/3 – A predominant theme of Fini’s art is the complex relationship between the sexes (the interplay between dominant female and androgynous male). She love of designing for stage may have derived from her passion for extravagant masks and fantastical drama. Looking her paintinhs, you need to remember that she is considered a great contributor to the feminist movement, because her paintings often depict impertinent young women in scenes that empower their image.logo Meeting Benches

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