Riccardo Moncalvo

JOURNEY INTO PIEDMONT CREATIVITY – From lemon ice cream to Pumpkin Tavern, in good companyJOURNEY INTO PIEDMONT CREATIVITY – From lemon ice cream to Pumpkin Tavern, in good company

JOURNEY INTO PIEDMONT CREATIVITY – From lemon ice cream to Pumpkin Tavern, in good company

Five ways to combine art with a territory Sometimes, the artistic vein of a painter blossoms in a small town…

5 years ago
ENIGMATIC PRESENCES, INSIDE A SILENT UNIVERSE – Riccardo Moncalvo and witness of the ‘900 Industrial TurinENIGMATIC PRESENCES, INSIDE A SILENT UNIVERSE – Riccardo Moncalvo and witness of the ‘900 Industrial Turin

ENIGMATIC PRESENCES, INSIDE A SILENT UNIVERSE – Riccardo Moncalvo and witness of the ‘900 Industrial Turin

Faceless figures Among the most beautiful squares in the city, there is Piazza Castello, but also the royal palace and…

5 years ago